Things I learned today- 6/10/13

1. I was right! Sammy is getting his first tooth.  It is now poking out enough that you can see it without the help of a flashlight.  Below is a pic of what it looks like.  It’s not Sammy, but the tooth is in the same place and about the same amount above his gums.

Mad props to this baby's parents for getting this picture.  Sammy does not want me anywhere near his tooth.

Mad props to this baby’s parents for getting this picture. Sammy does not want me anywhere near his tooth.

2. I believe tornadoes have now surpassed trains to become my number one fear.  (I have been afraid of trains since childhood, due to watching “Fried Green Tomatoes” and the Hallmark movie “The Dollmaker” at a very young age.  If you have never seen “The Dollmaker,” DO NOT WATCH IT!  DON”T LET YOUR CHILDREN WATCH IT!  Spoiler Alert: A little girl’s legs get cut off by a train.  Super disturbing.)  Anyways, lately instead of “a train is about to hit me” nightmares, I have been having “a tornado is about to hit our house” nightmares.  I think tornadoes didn’t scare me as much when I was little because my bedroom was actually in the basement.  I never worried about blowing away while I was sleeping at night.  In this house, our bedroom is upstairs, and we don’t even have a basement.

3. Storm shelters are more expensive than I realized.  I guess I could always get into the crawl space under our house…but I’m sure it is full of spiders and other gross bugs.  I think I would actually have to see the tornado before I could make myself get in there.

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